Occupational Health and Safety
As Akiş REIT, we adhere to an OHS management approach with a primary goal of zero accidents in all our operations. We prioritize the health and safety of our employees, tenants, customers, and visitors, managing our OHS activities in accordance with the relevant legislation, the Company’s OHS Policy, and the ISO 14001 Environmental Management and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Dakks certification requirements. A total of 10 OHS committees, consisting of employee representatives and volunteer members, operate in Akiş REIT, Akyaşam, and KidZania Istanbul. A total of 28 people, including 6 employee representatives, participate in these committees. Employees are represented in the OHS Board and all department managers, in addition to those required by legal regulations, also take part in the Board.
We conduct trainings to enhance the awareness of both our employees and subcontractor workers regarding occupational health and safety matters. During the reporting period, Akiş employees underwent a total of 16 hours of OHS training, and Akyaşam employees received 30 hours of OHS training. Additionally, subcontractor employees received 2,377 hours of occupational health and safety training at Akasya and 544 hours at Akbatı. OHS training per employee was 7.3 and 3.4 hours, respectively. We have also shared 4 different OHS Bulletins on current issues with our employees. In addition to the OHS trainings provided in line with the legislation, we also provide periodic trainings on health issues (healthy nutrition, ergonomics, tobacco addiction and combating passive exposure, etc.). In this context, we have organized 448 person*hours of training during the period. In 2022, we reduced accident severity rates by 62% in Akasya and 74% in Akbatı. Moreover, there were no accidents resulting in serious injuries or fatalities.