Customer Satisfaction

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Customer Satisfaction

The satisfaction of our customers is of particular importance for the sustainability of our operations and we focus on enhancing customer satisfaction through the practices and projects we implement. To achieve this, we diligently monitor global trends, including demographic changes and digitalization, which may impact customer satisfaction. We then incorporate these insights into our business strategies.

We monitor customer satisfaction levels through surveys and benchmarking studies to effectively identify and respond to our customers’ expectations, suggestions, and complaints. We meticulously consider feedback received, both through formal mechanisms and directly from our customers, and shape our operations in line with this feedback. Accordingly, we conducted a total of 5 Customer Satisfaction Surveys for Akasya and Akbatı through the mobile application in 2022. As a result of the survey, the NPS (Net Promoter Score) score was reported as “Excellent” at 66 for both shopping centers.